2024 8th International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering
Liaoning Technical University(辽宁工程技术大学​)
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Liaoning Technical University


Liaoning Technical University was founded on the eve of the founding of New China and was designated by the State Council as one of the 88 national key universities in 1978. In 1981, it was approved as one of the first batch of master's degree awarding universities;in 1993, it was approved as a doctor's degree awarding university and a university which could enroll foreign students, in 1996, it was renamed and upgraded to Liaoning Technical University from Fuxin Institute of Mining , in 1999, it was approved to set up a postdoctoral research station, and in 2012, the People's Government of Liaoning Province signed an agreement with the former State Administration of Work Safety to jointly build the school, in 2013, it was approved as a key construction university for the national "Central and Western University Basic Capacity Construction Project", and in 2019, it was selected as one of the 10 domestic first-class universities under key construction in Liaoning Province.

Liaoning Technical University currently has Zhonghua Road Campus in Fuxin , Yulong Campus, and Longwan Campus in Huludao, covering an area of 4,240 acres. There are over 40,000 registered students, including over 31,000 full-time doctoral, master's, undergraduate, and international students. It focuses on strengthening the construction of "Double First Class" and has formed a disciplinary and professional structure system that focuses on engineering and coordinates the development of multiple disciplines such as engineering, management, science, economics, and agriculture. We currently have 4 postdoctoral research mobile stations, 8 doctoral degree awarding authorizations in first level disciplines, 20 master's degree awarding authorizations in first level disciplines, and 10 master's professional degree awarding authorizations; having 1 national key (cultivated) discipline, 3 first-class disciplines in Liaoning Province, and 7 key disciplines in Liaoning Province; 3 provincial-level modern industry colleges; 32 majors were selected into the "Double Ten Thousand Plan" of the Ministry of Education for the construction of first-class undergraduate majors, and 14 majors passed the Professional certification of international engineering education; Approved 9 national first-class undergraduate courses and 178 provincial-level first-class undergraduate courses; We have 1 national level experimental teaching demonstration center, 6 national level engineering practical education centers, 15 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and 14 provincial university student off campus practical education bases; We have established one key laboratory of the Ministry of Education, one national and local joint engineering research center, one national safety production technology basic research center, and one provincial and ministerial collaborative innovation center; There are four national level science and technology innovation and service platforms, including the National University Science and Technology Park, two major science and technology platforms for higher education institutions in Liaoning Province, 20 provincial-level key laboratories, 5 provincial-level professional technology innovation centers, 3 provincial-level engineering research centers, 1 provincial-level social science base, and 2 provincial-level intelligence database platforms. There are currently over 1500 full-time teachers, including over 900 teachers with senior professional titles; We have 1 national level teaching team, 11 teaching teams from Liaoning Province, 2 provincial Huang Danian style teaching teams, 42 teams (teachers) selected for the "Xingliao Talent Plan", 1 Changjiang Scholar, 53 recipients of special government subsidies from the State Council, 9 climbing scholars from Liaoning Province, and 19 Liaoning distinguished professors; Three teachers have been selected as national level candidates for the New Century Ten Million Talents Project, three teachers have been rated as national excellent teachers, two have been selected for the "Youth Talent Promotion Project" of the China Association for Science and Technology, one teacher has been selected as the first batch of academic leaders in Liaoning Province, 30 teachers have been rated as provincial teaching masters, and more than 160 teachers have been selected for the Liaoning Province Ten Million Talents Project.

The university has always insisted on taking undergraduate education as the foundation of the university, building first-class undergraduate education and first-class majors, and striving to cultivate first-class application and innovative talents with firm ideals and beliefs, international vision and "Sunstone Spirit". In 2010, it was rated as one of the top 50 universities with typical experience in graduate employment by the Ministry of Education in China. In 2016, it was rated as one of the first batch of 99 demonstration universities in deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform by the Ministry of Education. In 2017, it was rated as one of the top 50 universities with typical experience in innovation and entrepreneurship by the Ministry of Education. It was also twice recognized as an advanced collective in graduate employment work by the Ministry of Education in China. Since its establishment, the school has trained over 180,000 outstanding graduates for the country. The school has distinct educational characteristics and is known as the "Huangpu Military Academy" in the coal industry.

Facing the future, the school will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, adhere to the direction of socialist school running, implement the fundamental task of establishing the people, and lead to the promotion of "double first -class" construction. Realize high -quality development into a strategic theme, use the strategic needs of the national energy industry and the mission of comprehensive rejuvenation and comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning, and strive to work hard to build a high -level research and applied university with distinctive characteristics.



